About Sortof

We create content that leads to more clicks, conversions and customers.
Sortof develops Content for more clicks, more conversion and much more.
Boost your Business!


About Us


Sortof Information

The website of Sortof Online Marketing Bureau was built as an assignment during the Online Marketing and Communication study at InHolland University of Applied Sciences in 2020 - 2021.

Components of this study include E-commerce, Google Analytics, SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media and Conversion Optimization.


About Sortof

In the early 1990s, Sortof Online Marketing combined commercial advertising with digital imaging. In particular, project and process support for corporate websites was high on the agenda.

Since 2010, the development of internet and social media has given Sortof Online Marketing a huge boost.


Sortof Expansion

Sortof Online Marketing is familiar with the development of internet and marketing.

Commercial expansion remains the starting point for Sortof Online Marketing. Sortof advises leading companies, associations and non-profit organizations in the field of Content Marketing and Internet Strategy.


Do you want to reach a new audience? Are you going to set your goals in terms of sales or visitor numbers?

Sortof Online Marketing defines your marketing goals in a realistic way and makes them concrete.

Click. Bang. Boom!

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to survive if your business is not easily found through search engines like Google or Bing.

Is your business easy to find on Google? Or would you like your business to be more findable on Google or Bing?

Sortof understands through experience the pitfalls and opportunities of online positioning and the importance of sales targets. In the end it is all about the success of your organization and your brand.


Sortof Ecommerce

Online marketing and E-commerce have proven to be efficient and effective sales tools in recent years.

They are no guarantees, but the right of companies and organizations to exist does have a foundation with Online Marketing and E-commerce.


Sortof Start-ups

Sortof Online Marketing has extensive experience with social media start-ups, content marketing, web strategy and introduction of professional newsletters. 

Sortof likes to help companies and organizations take the next step in the online positioning of their business.


Customer value

Sortof Online Marketing is ready to create customer value from the beginning. Together we go for the long haul and deliver Sprints within time and budget.

During the development phase and during optimization, Sortof Online Marketing ensures high quality and support.

Give your business a fresh
online look


Sortof Online Marketing stands for simple marketing advice in a complex future-proof trading platform, completely focused on specific business and customer processes. Especially for organizations that want to digitalize their business and provide their customers with online marketing.

Sortof Online Marketing develops conversion-oriented content that has real impact.


“Conversie gerichte content die échte impact heeft”


Content Marketing

Social Media